Fortress Sevastopol


Command & Strategy 8

from UGG


Cover design by Nina Zuchowski




Frontside 1


Reverse Side 1


Frontside 2

Reverse Side 2

Fortress Sevastopol


October 1941: After the initial success against the Russian “Bear” in the summer of 1941 the German advance slowed down. Hitler advised the commander of the 17th Army, General Erich von Manstein, to take the Crimean Peninsula and the important port of Sevastopol before the winter weather would set in.

After a quick successful campaign with the final conquest of the Crimea as its goal, the German Wehrmacht should have gained itself a good stepping stone for the next summer offensive to reach the most important oilfields of the Caucasus. Also the mighty Black Sea Fleet would be disloged to the far away port of Batumi...

But history took a different turn. The initial assault failed to take the fortress. The Russians counterattacked in the winter with some success. And so Manstein’s final conquest of the mighty Crimean fortress lasted until July 1942, when there were no more Soviet fighting formations on the Crimea.


Fortress Sevastopol is a simulation of the German assault on the Crimean Peninsula. The Germans had to advance to Sevastopol as quickly as possible. Eventually the mighty fortress will have to surrender before the snow falls, which would be a great pleasure for the German "Führer". If not, you will have to wait until spring to receive more reserves and finally capture Sevastopol before the game ends.

If you play the Russian side: stay cool! Try to avoid losses in the initial onslaught. Collect units and reserves in the winter months for an eventual counterstrike at German weak points. If this is unsuccessful, go for entrenchments and fight for every meter in Sevastopol til the end.


Fortess Sevastopol uses an easy to learn game with an area movement and combat system. A similar system was already used in games like “Breakout Normandy”, "Monty’s Gamble - Market Garden", or "Storm Over Stalingrad".


Fortress Sevastopol is issue number 8 in UGG’s Command & Strategy series.


View the

Final Map

There is a second

Map from Mark Simonitch

(non mounted)

Components :

2 Countersheets

1 Mounted Map

1 Rulebook

2 Player Aid Cards

4 d6


On our website (Service section) you will find the Rules and a Tutorial, which helps you to get started. The whole first turn and the start of the second turn will be introduced in detail.



  • Game Design: Christian Diedler

  • Game Development: Udo Grebe, Detlef Borchert

  • Counter Graphics: Andreas Bertram, Dirk Blech

  • Map Graphics: Dirk Blech, Nina Zuchowski

  • Editor: Hans Korting

  • Cover Art: Nina Zuchowski


  • 1 Mounted Mapboard

  • 2 Countersheets

  • 1 Rulebook

  • 2 Player Aid Cards

  • 4 Dice


Fortress Sevastopol is a trademark of UGG (Udo Grebe Gamedesign),  copyright UGG, all rights reserved.


  • Time Scale: roughly bi-monthly turns with variable impulses
  • Map Scale: ~1: 50 000
  • Players: 2 (but suitable for solitaire play)
  • Unit Scale: mainly Divisions
Armchair General Review

Review about FS by Antonios S

Nerds Gegen Stephan Review

Balena Ludens Review (Italiano) Here is the link to the English translation.




© 2008 Udo Grebe Gamedesign. All Rights Reserved.