Heroes vs Warlords

from UGG

The Heroine Amazone just struck down the Barbarian Warlord and leads her army into battle.

The Barbarian Warlord is wounded. But is he already defeated? He is in the process of rising up, but suddenly from behind a Knight approaches on his horse.


Kickstarer Relaunch in early 2025
see here


Rules (of March 2022)


Map Samples:


Here you can see some examples:
- top left a common terrain tile,
- top right Start Area of Knights,
- lower left Start Area of Barabrians and
- lower right Start Area of Amazones.


Enlargement of a common Terrain Tile (by Nina Zuchowski):


Undead Home Tile (by Stephanie Buenger):

Counter Samples:


Combat Display:


Hero Display (Knight):

Hero Display (Undead):

City Display (Amazone):

(all graphics are subject to change, even by now, they are in a near final version)


Heroes vs Warlords


is the title of our new upcoming fantasy strategy game for 2 to 4 players.

Heroes vs Warlords is set in the world of Pangea. Pangea is inhabited by Heroes like clever Amazons, or mighty Knights, and by Warlords like wild Barbarians, or scary Necromancers and finally by Neutral Guards. The Guards keep an eye on the treasures which can be found in this world. Pangea is largely unexplored. Vast lands, where no civilized people have ever been before, are waiting for you!


Are you up to the challenge? Will your hero's/warlord's army gain new riches for your empire? Will you crush the enemy hordes? Or will you fall victim to the monsters that are hidden in the various towers, ruins and mines scattered across the land.


Heroes vs Warlords is about the eternal struggle for supremacy. In this 2, 3, or 4 player game you get the chance to see if you succeed. Will you be the ruler of Pangea?


Heroes vs Warlords is inspired by the classic PC games of exploration
and evolution of a hero/warlord and his army.


The game can be further expanded for a nearly unlimited amount of players
with several upcoming expansions. A solitaire mode may be included later.


Heroes vs Warlords will contain (depending on success in Kickstarter):

2 - 5 Countersheets of colored Game Pieces:

- 65+ Units
- 44+ Markers
- 62+ Numbermarkers

4 Home Location Tiles

16 Different Terrain Tiles of the World Map

1 Rulebook

3 City Displays (Amazone, Barbarian, Knight)

4 - 8 Leader (Hero or Warlord) Displays

1 Combat Display (two-sided)

1 General Records Track

2 Player Aid Cards

3 - 22 Minicards

12 - 18 Customized d6 Battle Dice, 1 d 12

71+ wooden tokens

1 Box



Introduction of Designer Dirk Blech at Spiel 2017 (German)

Boardgame Digger Video

Game Design: Dirk Blech
Game Development: Udo Grebe, Christian Diedler

Graphics: Nina Zuchowski, Stephanie Buenger
Cover: Andrea Tentori Montalto




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